Happy Birthday to me! Life has been my greatest teacher!

Today is my 42nd birthday!

I am officially 42. It’s actually a pretty cool age to be. I’ve learned a lot about myself during this lifetime. I lived a happy childhood with great parents and awesome siblings. I made a ton of mistakes growing up and I’m happy to report I have no regrets. Each one has help me grow as a person.

I never really thought about where I would be in my life at this age, but here I am. Happily married with three incredible children that make me proud every day.

I’ve spent my life as a unique individual. I am true to myself and I’m passionate about everything I do. I’ve learned that worry only makes you anxious, sadness is temporary, laughing is always the best medicine and love and gratitude are what make you happy. I’ve learned how to live on next to nothing, appreciate the simple things and embrace what scares me. Life is about wanting to be alive. It’s about spending  your days doing what you love and surrounded by people who motivate you to be a better version of your self.

My life is full of love, friendships and most importantly family. I cherish each person and memory I’ve made, because that is what made me who I am today.

So, here I am. I’m 42 years old. This is my first blog post ever. I feel blessed to have a truly amazing life filled with incredible people as well  as wonderful memories to last forever.

I’m ready 42!! Life is an incredible journey and I’m enjoying every second of it!!

My birthday wish is for a million more lifetimes of mistakes, memories, friendships and love. Can’t wait to see what 42 has in store for me.

Thanks for reading this. More to come!!