September Events and Workshops

9/6 ~ 9:30 am: Yin Yoga ($10 paid to Lisa)
9/9 ~ 6:30 -8 pm: Β Candle Light Restorative and Sound Healing ($20 donation paid to teachers)

9/10 ~ 11 am: Special Stars Movement Class

9/11 ~ 1-3 pm: Chakra Workshop (please bring a non perishable food item to be donated to the local food bank)

9/16 ~ 7-9 pm: Special Stars Dance

9/23 ~ 7 pm: Reiki Share

9/25 ~ 6-7:15 pm: Yin Yoga ($10 paid to Lisa)

9/28 ~ 4:45-5:30 pm: Kids Yoga! Ages 7-10

9/30 ~ 7-8:30 pm: Saucha in the Seasons Workshop ($10 paid to Paula)


You’re thinking…”What is a Reiki Share?”Β 
A Reiki Share is a time for practioners to share the light of Reiki with each other and members of the community.Β 
“Who’s it for?”
Anyone! All levels of Reiki practioners can attend for the purposes of giving and receiving. New to Reiki? You are welcome to join us for your first experience!
“What can I expect?”
LOVE! Community, support, and a spiritual experience whether you give, receive, or both!
“What should I bring?”
Yourself and an open heart! (A journal and water bottle would be good, too.)